Gentleman….brother Russell Stevens
is heading up an AOH Mike Doyle Div 4 Honor guard for the division. Below is a
picture of AOH Div 39’s and 51’s honor guard to give you an idea of what they
wear. The Ancient Order of Hibernians Honor Guard was founded to serve as the
ceremonial arm of the Division. The mission of the Honor Guard is to represent
the Division and the AOH at funerals, parades, ceremonial functions, and other
special events. The Honor Guard serves at the discretion of An Appointed
Division officer and the Honor Guard Commander. The Honor Guard will render
honors to deceased Members and their immediate family, local officials and
service members whenever possible. The Honor Guard will endeavor to render
honors and provide support to those of our heritage in memory of our forefathers
who resisted tyrannical laws intended to obliterate their religion, their
culture, their being. The Honor Guard and its members strive to represent the
highest standards of integrity, professionalism, dedication to duty and provide
these services to our members in following our Motto “Friendship, Unity and
Christian Charity.
AOH 4 Honor Guard
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